The Creative Informatics project employed five full-time post-doctoral researchers, based at the University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier. From a diverse range of backgrounds, and with a wide scope of skills and interests, researchers worked alongside the delivery team to help those looking for funding to formulate and articulate ideas and to conduct research on the current and evolving landscapes of the creative sector in and around Edinburgh.
“Engaging university research with both the cultural and festival City of Edinburgh and its growing tech industry, means that we can reflect on, critique, and pass on findings from our many and varied Creative Informatics activities.”
Professor Melissa Terras, CI co-director and Head of Research
From baseline mapping and surveys of the cultural landscape, to cutting edge work on innovative new economic, pedagogical, and artistic practices, CI researchers actively engaged in leading critical research across academic disciplines as well as industrial sectors.
These pages provide a centralised locus to store and share our portfolio of research, with the research blog providing highlights and accessible insights into projects and achievements. Research was central to the CI project, with an emphasis on growing our research community.
Explore research insights and highlights across the lifetime of the CI programme, through articles, projects, open calls, and bespoke resources.
“We hope to provide guidance and results that will have a positive impact on data-driven innovations within the creative industries, both in Edinburgh, the South-East of Scotland, and beyond.”