Our Resident Entrepreneur programme was created to support individuals or small teams with ambitions to develop a new product or service using data or data-driven technology, with funding of up to £12,000 available to support this work.
Across the life of the CI project, we funded eight rounds of applications to the programme, supporting 74 participants or groups to develop their data-driven ideas.
Eligible projects ran for between 3 and 9 months, with applications created in response to one of the following R&D priorities:
- Developing access to and engagement with new audiences and markets.
- Developing new modalities of experience.
- Unlocking the value of archives and data sets.
- Exploring new business models for the creative industries
The programme provided successful applicants with:
- Up to £12,000 of grant funding (VAT exempt)
- A mentor via the Creative Edinburgh Mentorship Scheme.
- The Edinburgh Innovations Enterprise Toolkit
- Signposting to relevant opportunities from Edinburgh Innovations and the Creative Informatics team
- Invitations to participate in and present at Creative Informatics events
The Resident Entrepreneurs programme was funded through the City Deal Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Initiative and is open to applicants from Edinburgh and all six of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland city regions (Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian, Fife, and Scottish Borders).
Find out more about the projects chosen to receive funding through the programme
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six
How it Worked
Find out more about how the Resident Entrepreneur programme was structured and delivered: