
Chris Dooks

Dr. Chris Dooks is a freelance Post-Doctoral Artist and community practitioner specialising in wellbeing strategies for chronic health conditions. He is a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art (1994) in Film and also the University of The West of Scotland (2015), where he completed his PhD work which was a collection of phonographic records with a philosophical exegesis. 

Chris Dooks

For his Connected Innovator in February 2021, Chris developed a project that would engage and profile clients in Edinburgh who are normally ‘hidden’ from access and view, particularly focusing on M.E. sufferers (and others with chronic pain and illness who are often housebound) through data gathering, visits and a website. 

Chris’ work focussed on understanding the benefits of art therapy for those living with chronic pain and illness and by adopting a data-driven, but relatively low-tech approach, he was able to build up evidence on effective routes to support therapeutic, self-led creative work through his platform.

The art modules created through his project garnered additional resonance with the onset of lockdown when people everywhere became familiar with the challenges of being socially isolated and the benefits of creativity in managing the mental health impacts of being housebound. 



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